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Soweto, South Africa 2019

Why Am I Running?

United Way uses the phrase "The children are well."


My concern extends beyond just the children; it encompasses the well-being of parents and the entire community.


Our children and families are facing challenges, and it's time for someone to step up and make a change. As Marvin Gaye once sung, "Save the children…Save the babies…"


I have a deep connection to this community and have been actively involved in various capacities for the past three decades since relocating here in southeast metro DeKalb County Georgia.   My commitment to community and education has been unwavering since my arrival.


I have always maintained that our children, parents, and families are not failing intentionally. They deserve the opportunity for a better future.


My aspiration is to alter the academic achievement trajectory in southeast metro DeKalb County, leading to more positive and sustainable outcomes for all.


Please take a moment to review my accomplishments and campaign platform to understand how I propose to make a significant difference.

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